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Laura Stearns
Join date: Dec 10, 2019
I am many things. In no particular order, I'm a queer woman, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a sexual assault survivor, an actor, a writer, a human being. I'm not religeous but I believe in a power greater than me. I hold my stress in my shoulders, I get sad when the light goes away. Family is important to me. I would walk through fire for my children. I often eat cheese and crackers for dinner. I love an Old Fashioned cocktail after a long day, and I keep a box of white wine in my refrigerator. I'm allergic to red wine and hate cilantro. I consider myself a dog person, but I have a cat. I am a contradiction.
Posts (25)

Jun 11, 2023 ∙ 5 min
Jiminy Cockroach
When I was twelve-years-old, I flew on a plane by myself for the first time to visit New Orleans — or “N’warlins.” It was summer vacation...

Apr 12, 2022 ∙ 6 min
No Drowsy Drivers!
I woke up this morning before the sun rose. This isn’t a huge deal in the mountains. Those gigantic rocks keep the sun from hitting land...

Nov 16, 2021 ∙ 10 min
Setting the Standards
Thank you to MN Playlist for publishing the following article on its website 11/16/21. To see the original posting click here. Local...
Laura B. Stearns
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